Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Five days left. In five days I will leave Stowe and the world to which I am accustomed. When I say it like that it seems a whole lot heavier than it feels in my mind. I still have so much to do, so many things to buy, so many loose ends to tie up. It's hard to imagine that I won't see a familiar face for so long. I will leave Stowe on August 27th to spend a couple of days in New York, en route to DC, which I will be flying out of on the 31st. I have a lot of hopes for this blog, I hope it will accurately reflect my time in Russia, but I will just have to stay on top of posting for that to happen, I suppose. I'll also do my best to avoid direct references to people I know back home. I don't want this to become an LJ for me to spill my angst on, Lord knows I have plenty of that going on. So, if you're reading this, tell someone you know. The more I hear that people are reading this thing, the more likely I am to keep it up.


At 1:41 PM, Blogger Pajuh said...

I expect a full critique of Russian Schwag.


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