Saturday, September 02, 2006

Russia at last.

Man things are strange here. It's like being in a first world contry that's been stagnating for a bout a century...oh wait, that's exactly what it is. It's actually quite nice. Though the streets may be littered with garbage, the people are friendly, and the countryside is stunning. In old Vladimir, the orthodox churches are all very impressive, though seem to be falling into disrepair every ay. Everywhere else in the city is old Soviet Style apartment complexes. I am in a big pink one. It looks like a demilitarized zone outside, but inside the apartment is warm, modern, and inviting. My host mother, Vera S. is very personable, and has been fairly patient with my shitty Russian. Her son, Petya, is pretty cool too. He's eighteen, plays drums in a ridiculous emo-core band, and is rocking the sickest mullet I've seen this side of 1987. Mad props Petya, mad props.

I actually bought a Russian cell phone topday as well. The phone plus the plan was about 50 bucks, but it's pay as you go. That'll be cool though. Also, a lot of stuff here is mad cheap. I saw a pack of cigarettes today that were selling for SEVEN rubles. For those of you who don't know, there are about 26.8 rubles to ONE dollar. You do the math. Of course those are probably the most filthy cigarettes on Earth, I'm not touching them.

Let's see, what else...
Oh, here are some pictures...

My Room:

The Kitchen:

One of the two cats:

That's all for now kids, more to come in a couple of days. Classes start on Monday. Wish me luck.


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