Sunday, October 15, 2006

Man, I'm behind on this. I keep meaning to post the pictures I took a long time ago, but keep getting distracted. I'll do it this week, I swear.

In other news, we took a trip to Yaroslavl last weekend. I got into a spot of trouble. I won't write about what I did, it's quite silly, but if you want the story I'll tell it to you in an email. It's not even really worth telling at all, but there you have it. We had a lot of fun just throwing down at the hotel there for a couple of nights, but obviously a little too much.

Interesting side note: While sitting in the hallway of the fourth floor of our hotel talking, Lily (see photos belew), were approached by a wasted police officer who was staying in the hotel. He asked us if we were sleeping together. We said no. He then then broke into the biggest shit eating grin I've ever seen and said in terrible English "Ah, Masterbating, yes?" We were stunned. He then lifted four of his fingers proudly telling us how many times he did the deed a day...I had to shake his hand when he left, he wouldn't have it any other way.

Ummmmm also: Russian Saunas are the shit. We rented one out in Yaroslavl for a couple of hours. Pretty much you sweat your ass off in a tiny room with your friends, then jump into a pool of water so cold that almost lose bowel control when you jump into it, then repeat, with a smattering of drinking thrown in the mix. All in all, a wonderful experience which I believe will help the cold winter go by easier. Plus it left me feeling like a champion afterwords.

On Friday we had Russian arts and crafts time with this crazy old man. He's professional painter of Russian scenes on papier mache. His were beautiful, ours were shitty. I guess he takes what we did home and bakes and glazes them, after adding a few flourishes of his own so they don't suck so bad. When I get mine back I'll put a picture up. Mine was actually kind of cool, I think.

Let's see what else is new. Next week I'll be going to St. Petersburg for ten days, so I'll be MIA for a while. I'm sure lots of ridiculous things will happen there, I'll try and take a lot of pictures and get them up here. It turns out that Flickr really sucks as a site to upload photos to. I'm getting pretty sick of it. If anyone has any ideas for better sites to use, it'd be cool if you could tell me. I'm looking for something with a slightly faster upload time if at all possible. I don't need all of the bells and whistles that Flickr has. If it keeps going like this, I'm just going to start putting all of my pictures on Facebook, but I feel like if I do that, this blog will die pretty quickly.

OK, so more to come this week, bear with me, lots to see, beautiful sceneries and such. I'm trying to get more pictures of us actually doing stuff. I'm sure the pictures of churches over and over again are becoming as boring to you to see, as they are to me to visit.

Also, I can't tell if my English is making sense. I'm getting so used to writing Russian that I'm forgetting how to construct coherant English sentences. But I think this stuff is OK.



At 8:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. Photobucket or dotphoto are both okay in terms of uploading, in my experience.

2. I think that my life will be complete when I experience a баня.

3. Your English is fine, although I know how you feel. Speaking English after speaking tons of Russian is weird.

Glad to hear you're doing well, and perhaps I will get a chance to see you second semester in the motherland.


At 9:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Flickr's not terribly bad if you download the flickr-uploadr. If you have your own computer there, it makes everything easier. If not, I don't know what to tell you.

-a passerby


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