So last Friday our group made a trek out to the small village of Gorkavetz( I have no idea how to write it in English, that's as good as I could do). It was a nice little town, not much to do though. We looked at the scenery and a couple of churches and museums, then headed home. It definately didn't warrant getting up at 6 in the morning for, but it was a pleasant day nonetheless. Rounded out the weekend with a trip to some bars and clubs here in Vladimir. Good times were had by all. I saw a fight break out at the night club that left one guy laying in a pool of blood from his face, another wailing on the ground from kicks to the gut, women screaming, and bouncers standing around looking tough...after having kicked the crap out of the two guys, and their girlfriends, who had been brawling inside. The pool of blood was later washed away with a bucket of water, no one seemed to think anything was out of the ordinary. I've got some scenic pictures from the Friday trip though, I'll toss some up here. It's refreshing to see that there is at least some beautiful countryside to be found here, you just have to get out of the city:
A quaint little hamlet:
Who has two thumbs and is rockin' the Stowe pride in Russia? This guy:
A lovely view:
I think This is one of those, "Light of God," pictures:
Through here you'll find the potato and beet farm of this monastery. People eat too many beets and potatoes here (and cabbage too):